Thursday, April 24, 2014

Game of Thrones Season 4

Some Language

    If you love movies like the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings and haven't watched the HBO show Game of Thrones, you are missing out.  It currently is in its 4th season and has already received a renewal for seasons 5 & 6 as well. The show is based on the "Game of Thrones" series written by George R.R. Martin.  Since the show airs on HBO there is the occasional sex scene, and when I say occasional I do mean every episode. So if you don't mind that, you will LOVE the show.  It also is very well written and the production value on the show is AMAZING!
   Game of Thrones season 4 Premiered a few weeks ago on HBO.  Obviously the last season ended with a pretty huge ending, ya know with the red wedding episode and all. So needless to say, like everyone else that is caught up on the show, I was super stoked about this new season. This show gets better every season. The show is currently on episode 3, so I'll go over the important parts that have happened so far. I am a bit behind in the reviews, so I will talk about a few key parts in all 3 episodes.
   Episode 1 had a few key parts that I'll talk about. First was the very beginning where Tywin Lannister had Ned Starks sword melted down to create 2 new Valyrian steel swords.

One sword going to Jamie Lannister, who in the last season lost his right hand and now has to learn how to fight with his left hand.  And the second smaller sword going to King Joffrey Baratheon as a wedding present.

  For the Preparation of the marriage between King Joffrey and Princess Margaery, there are a few different houses that have traveled to attend the event.  Tyrion Lannister waits to greet Prince Oberyn Martell and finally meets up with him at one of Petyr Baelish's brothels. They both had an interesting conversation about the events at the Battle of the Trident where King Baratheon killed Rhaegar Targaryen and also where his sister Elia Martell (who was married to Rhaegar) was killed by The Mountain. Oberyn is convinced that Tywin Lannister ordered The Mountain to kill his sister. Oberyn tells Tyrion to send a message to his father that "the Lannisters aren't the only ones who pay their debts".

  Now during this conversation between Oberyn and Tyrion there are a few interesting things that were brought up briefly. One being the fact that Rhaegar Targaryen left Elia, Rhaegar's wife, for another women. That women (not directly mentioned in the show but rather the book) was Lyanna Stark who was married to Robert Baratheon.  Now the thoughts are that Rhaegar and Lyanna (who was Ned Starks sister) had a child and wanted to hide that child to avoid a war between the Targaryens and the Baratheons, which didn't work out that well. This is where the interesting part comes in to where the possibility of Lyanna asking Ned Stark to look after her and Rhaegar's child. Now if you are on the same page I am, you know that this child could possibly be Jon Snow, who Ned said was his Bastard son. In the show whenever Snow's mother came up Ned never spoke ill of her, which probably was because it was his sister Lyanna. Now if this is the case, Jon Snow would actually be Jon Targaryen, and since the throne was ruled by the Targaryens before Robert Baratheon overthrew Harrenhal and named himself the King, that would make Jon the rightful heir of the Iron Throne since he is of Targaryen decent. Let that sink in a bit.  I love thinking about this possibility just because I love Jon's character and I think he would make a great King.

  The Hound and Arya Stark's story line is interesting. I absolutely love this portion of the story. The Hound and Arya are traveling to House Tully to return Arya to her remaining family. During their travels they come across a tavern. After entering said tavern, a Lannister banner man by the name of Polliver who also is on Arya's "kill list" recognizes The Hound and starts to speak with him about traveling with them in the name of King Joffrey. The Hounds response to that was the classic and well said line: "FUCK THE KING!" Polliver was a bit taken back by his remarks. The whole purpose of entering the tavern was to eat, now when the Hound asks for a chicken to eat, Polliver says he must pay for it since he is not one of the Kings men, and the hound made it very clear of his loyalty to the King after his fuck the king remarks. The Hound is not amused by this and asked for the chicken again, adding another chicken on the bill making it 2. Now this is where the best part of this episode happens, and since I don't want to ruin this great scene with my commentary I will just share this awesome clip with you.
Use this link if upper video does not play >

  Episode 2. In this episode the main event of the story is the Wedding of King Joffrey and Princess Margaery. Lets talk about some of the side stories first. The First being that Tyrion finds out that Cersei and Tywin both know that Shea is his real "lover" and since they know this, she is in danger. Tyrion insists that Shae must leave on a ship to escape the possible doom that Cersei and Tywin could bring. Shae does not want to leave, so Tyrion has no choice then to be a bit harsh in words for her own good. He tells her that all she is was a whore that he had fun with and now that time has come and gone. This did the trick and off Shae goes into the sunset.

  This specific episode is where Tyrion instructs Bronn to train with Jamie Lannister in fighting with his left hand. They do this in secret so not to tip off anyone that he is not fit for duty as the Lord Commander. OH! did I forget to mention that he has a badass gold hand now? It looks like he wants to shake everyone's hand LOL.

  The rest of the episode was mostly just talk and action getting ready for the wedding of King Joffrey. During the wedding, King Joffrey is being his normal dick self. One thing that King Joffrey loves to do is humiliate Tyrion. During the wedding party there is a reenactment of the "The war of the 5 Kings"  It is all played out by a bunch of dwarfs. In a way this was meant to humiliate Sansa Stark as well since her brother Robb Stark was killed in this "War of 5 Kings".  Joffrey also tells Tyrion to be his cup bearer and not to be honored by the request. The wedding cake comes out and Joffrey is served first and then this happens.
Use this link if upper video does not play >
  Episode 3. In this episode not too much happens. Sansa escapes to a ship captained by Petyr Baelish, who knows what his plan is for her, we sure can guess though, he does have a creepy crush on her.  Tywin tells Prince Tommen Baratheon (Joffrey's younger brother) that he will be the next king along with educating him on how to be a good King. During this conversation he basically tells Tommen that Joffrey was a crap King and not to be like him. After this Jamie comes to speak with Cersei alone and then "rapes" her in front of their dead son. Can you say awkward? Jon Snow is at castle black preparing for a raid against Mance Rayder and his wildling army. Tywin asks Oberyn Martell to be one of the three judges that will sentence Tyrion.  Oberyn agrees but on one condition, that condition being that Tywin arranges a meeting between him and The Mountain. Tywin agrees to the conditions. Tyrion is still in prison. he finds out about the agreement between Tywin and Oberyn. Tyrion asks to speak with Jamie knowing that he had nothing to do with framing him for the murder of King Joffrey and hoping that he can help him in some way.  At the end of the episode Daenerys Targaryen gets to Meereen and launches barrels full of slave chains in an attempt to get the Meereen slaves to revolt and take their freedom and follow her.
  Game of Thrones is my favorite show on TV right now. Great production value, great story lines and amazing acting as well. Like I said before, if you haven't seen this show and don't mind the HBO show content, start watching season 1 and I promise you wont be disappointed.
I hope you enjoyed this week's Game of Thrones review and don't forget to watch Game of Thrones Sunday nights on HBO.

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