Thursday, April 3, 2014

SLC Comic Con FanX

Hello everyone! this will be my first post on the blog. While thinking about what this first post should be about, I realized that I will miss this years first Annual SLC Comic Con FanX.  So why not talk about that.  There are going to be so many awesome Actors and Actresses there.  For example, Jason David Frank will be attending all 3 days (April 17,18 & 19th).
 If you were a kid in the 90s and had a TV, you knew who the Power Rangers were, and you totally knew who Tommy the Green Ranger was. Tommy(who was also the White, Red & Black Rangers) was the best Power Ranger, Evil to Good and the only Ranger to play 6 different Rangers in a few different Power Rangers series. Not only does Jason David Frank kick ass as a Power Ranger, he is also a MMA Fighter. 5 fights, 0 Loses, I'd say that's a good record. Jason loves his fans and is very devoted to them, and that is definitely a recipe for a cool dude.

Also attending the FanX will be Adam Baldwin and Nathan Fillion, 2 amazing actors from the show Firefly and the film Serenity.  Currently these are the actors from the show that have been announced.

Also Attending will be James Marsters, Best known for playing Spike from the shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.  He is also the lead singer of Ghost of the Robot.  So if you want to surprise him, have him sign one of their CDs.

Norman Reedus best known currently for his role in The Walking Dead, but also for his role in the Boondock Saints, was announced but had to cancel due to filming conflicts.  The line to see Norman would have been pretty long, almost long enough not to be worth it...but its Norman Reedus.  Sean Patrick Flanery, David Della Rocco and Julie Benz will still be attending, so that will be pretty awesome.

I am a pretty big nerd when it comes down to it.  I have been a Star Trek fan ever since I was a kid
(I was probably 6 or 7) when I found and watched ALL the episodes of Star Trek the Original series that my Mom recorded on our old Betamax machine.
From Captain Kirk fighting a Gorn to Spock beating up Kirk during Pon Farr, I was a fan.  I bring
this up because Non other then William Shatner himself will be attending the FanX.  If they announce that Leonard Nimoy will be attending I might just have to sell a kidney to go.
There will also be a Star Trek the Next Generation Reunion Panel as well.  The Panel will include: Jonathan Franks (Commander William Riker)
Marina Sirtis (Lt. Commander Deanna Troy)
Gates McFadden (Commander Beverly Crusher)
Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data)
Michael Dorn (Lieutenant Worf)
Denise Crosby (Lieutenant Tasha Yar)
LeVar Burton (Lt. Geordi La Forge) was going to attend but cancelled.
There will also be a replica of the USS Enterprise-D Bridge, the Perfect place for a Selfie.  Speaking of Selfies, there will be another awesome slefie opportunity in the DeLorean from the Back to the Future Films Staring Michael J. Fox. Sadly Michael J. Fox will not be attending and no the DeLorean will not be flying, even though that would rock, we will just have to wait until next year for that :)
Like I said, I will sadly have to miss this event unless some kind soul donates a ticket to me.  But I will diffidently be at the SLC Comic Con later on this year in September.  So if you find yourself at the FanX in SLC this year, please have fun and live long and prosper.


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