Sunday, April 27, 2014

Fargo on FX

  I finally watched the movie Fargo for the first time a few weeks ago. There are some great actors in this film like William H Macy and Steve Buscemi. There also is a "cameo" by Bruce Campbell, in one of the scenes the TV is on and he is in the show that they are watching. I thought it was pretty funny.  So I watched the Movie. I thought it was pretty good. While watching the movie I do expect everyone to say "dontcha know" after every sentence, kinda like the Mom from Bobby's World dotcha know...see what I did there?

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  Like I said before, I finally watched Fargo now even though I have been wanting to watch it for awhile now. The big reason for seeing the movie now is because FX came out with a TV series based on the movie. so obviously I wanted to watch the movie so I could point out the differences from both versions. After Watching Fargo the movie, I was kind of interested to see how FX would turn it into a multiple season series, since it is the simple kidnap gone wrong film.
  Fargo airs on the FX channel and has some bigger named actors on the show. First there is Martin Freeman who plays John Watson on the only good TV adaptation of Sherlock and also he is Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit. I absolutely love Martin Freeman, he is an amazing actor and to be honest he is the number one reason I wanted to watch the show. Ok back to talking about the other great actors in the show. Also staring in the show is Billy Bob Thornton. Now you are probably thinking "what was the last good thing he did" and you would be right to think that, if I had to name the last good movie I remember him being in, it would probably be Eagle Eye, and he wasn't even the main character. Anyways, you can now name this show as the last thing him being good in. there has only been 2 episodes so far, but his performance is defiantly worth watching. Again lets get back on track. Colin Hanks is also in the show, best know for movie Orange County. Bob Odenkirk is also in the show, if you don't recognize his name, maybe you will recognize this name, Saul Goodman, that's right, we now know where Saul disappeared to at the end of Breaking bad, Plus AMC has announced the spin off of Breaking bad starring Saul Goodman called "Better call Saul".
  I mentioned before that the show is 2 episodes in so far. I don't want to ruin the show or give away any type of storyline spoilers because I want you to watch it and experience it first hand. I find that the first episode of a new series is usually slow and for the most part the episode is there to build the background of the character and story. I will tell you now that this is not that kind of first episode. I would have to say its a perfect well done first episode. It builds the story, introduces characters very well and keeps you interested at the same time. After the episode was over I just wanted the next week to come around so I could see what happens next, and the second episode is just the same.
  If you are looking for another great show to watch, I highly recommend watching Fargo. It airs on the FX channel on Tuesday nights, check your local listings for times. If you go to you might be able to watch full episodes there as well.

  Here is the first 7 Minutes of Episode one for you to check out.
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